
Meet the Publisher!

About the NEW Publisher: Eden Mishler Ihrig

August 4, 2024

Hello👋 I'm your new publisher and I'm so excited to help you find family fun in the Johnstown, Laurel Highlands, Altoona area!

Here's a little bit about me:

I grew up in Johnstown, moved away to Erie, PA for college where I also started my career and my family. I just recently moved back to Johnstown in October 2023 and I'm so happy to be back in my hometown. When we lived in Erie, I loved checking the MacaroniKID site, reading the newsletters to find things to do with my family. From summer camp guides to local events and more, there's really no better resource for parents than MacaroniKID.

So, if you're a parent looking for things to do with your family in the area, you're in the right place! Thousands of local families use our free site to find fun for kids and families in the Johnstown - Laurel Highlands - Altoona, PA region!

Our comprehensive events calendar lists all the family-friendly fun in the area that we can find in one easy-to-navigate spot. 
Find the events calendar now!

Join thousands of other local parents in receiving a weekly FREE newsletter that comes straight to your email inbox with the upcoming event highlights, along with articles, giveaways and locally-produced guides meant to make your parenting life easier. 
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